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To Botox, or not to Botox

Have you ever had Botox? Debating if you want to get Botox? Wondering if you are even a candidate for Botox? Well I have some answers for you! Honestly, I never thought I would get Botox. I would see all these celebrities with these hack job Botoxed faces and thought they looked so “fake” or they couldn’t even make expressions or movies made Botox look like your face would be completely frozen! 

I started to consider Botox because one of my very good friends gets it regularly. When I mentioned to her I was thinking about trying it she laughed and said ” YOU DON’T EVEN NEED IT!!” This was and is still a true statement! I started looking at old photos from High School and early College and noticed I had zero lines on my forehead, no smile lines, etc. I have aged gracefully but I don’t want to be in my late 60s and wish I would have had a better skin and preventative wrinkle plan.

First things first, do your research! I noticed my body breaks down Botox and filler much faster then I thought it would. However, I’m not in the market to spend $$ every 6 months to keep it up! I was looking for more of an 18 month splurge. Next, make sure you go to someone that has great reviews or even suggested by a friend that also goes to the same person. Last, make sure you tell them exactly what you want! Don’t be shy here, if you want zero movement then tell them, it will cost more but they will build a regimen for you. If you want some movement or have an area you want more of the Botox then another, let them know! They will also suggest what would look natural on your face too. 

For me? My concern is mostly my forehead. I don’t have any deep lines like some may have but I have had Botox now for 3 years and have for 4 times in those few years. Because I still want some movement and I make a certain expression with one eyebrow lifted, I wanted that to still happen, I only get 25 units of Botox when I have gone. This last time I did receive 50 units of Dysport because my girl was having a sale! This round should last me for over a year so I’m good until then. 

The top row is right before my appointment & the bottom row is 48 hours after. You can see the lines right above my eyebrows are almost completely gone and the ones in the center are slowing smoothing out.
The top row is right before my appointment & the bottom row is 48 hours after. You can see the lines right above my eyebrows are almost completely gone and the ones in the center are slowing smoothing out.

Do not expect results right after your appointment or even a few days later. They say to wait at least 2 weeks for the results to fully heal. Typically injectors will say to contact them after 2 weeks if there is an area that may need a little bit more love, this is when you know you have a great injector!

What kind of Botox is there?

  • Xeominhas more immediate results, looks very natural, and has a hold for 3-6 months.
  • Dysport is often used for clients with strong muscles or who want more of a strong hold and can last 4-6 months.
  • Botox is also a great choice for a lighter, natural, hold that can last 3-4 months.
Dysport is the most common injection to reduce wrinkles and lines. Want to learn more about Dysport and if you’re a candidate? Click Here!
This is the location I go to here in Las Vegas -- Consultations are complimentary -- Click to book yours today!
Before Appointment
24 hours after Appointment
48 hours after Appointment

Have you had Botox? What has your experience been like? Tell me below!

Lauren Giglioli



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