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Quarantined Bucket List 101

Happy Monday! We’re on week 2 of “social distancing” / self quarantined / homeschooling / working from home! Are you doing ALL the things or do you fall into a few of those categories? All I know is, is that no matter what happens, I have my 3 quarantine buddies (my hubby, and our two kids!) and we will get through this time TOGETHER!

We have been doing a ton of things these last two weeks and I wanted to compose a little “quarantine bucket list” of what YOU can do these next 30 days and some things you and your family can do too!

  1. Build a fort
  2. Bake a new cookie recipe together
  3. Go on a nature walk
  4. Scavenger hunt w/ nature walk
  5. Go on a bear hunt (draw & cut out little bears and hide them around the house)
  6. Make a new cocktail (for adults!)
  7. Binge watch a tv series, then another, and then another!
  8. Play ALL the board games
  9. Make a new recipe as a family
  10. Organize all drawers & cabinets in the kitchen, kids can help too!
  11. Start a Postmark account!
  12. Start a blog (why not!)
  13. Start a vlog; people love watching each other being quarantined right now!
  14. Make a list of all the vacations you will go on after you’re quarantined
  15. Pretend you’re going to the beach and “beach play” in the backyard
  16. Have the kids make dinner one night; parental supervision of course!
  17. Breakfast for dinner
  18. Have your kids put makeup on you
  19. Play hair stylist
  20. Organize ALL the closets in the house
  21. Play dress up with the kids
  22. Get a donation bin put together
  23. FaceTime with family every day
  24. Do a new workout
  25. Yoga with the kids
  26. Yoga as a family in the backyard
  27. Tea Party
  28. Have a drawing contest
  29. Workout with the kids every day
  30. Make a sensory box
  31. Play with kinetic sand
  32. Make a homemade face mask
  33. Make friendship bracelets with your kids
  34. Watch the sunset together
  35. Go on a hike
  36. Fly a kite on a windy day
  37. Zoom call with your girlfriends and have a Zoom Happy Hour
  38. Have your kids Zoom or FaceTime with their friends
  39. Learn how to sew face masks and bring to a hospital
  40. Spend an entire day with everyone in their pajamas!
  41. Paint rocks and leave them around your neighborhood so neighbors can read the happy messages
  42. Chalk walks; make chalk drawings around your neighborhood and in front of your house
  43. Watch a free concert online
  44. Find new documentaries to watch
  45. Give up one (1) bad food item for 2 weeks
  46. Paint your nails
  47. Go on a long drive with the windows down and sing at the top of your lungs
  48. Make a homemade hair mask
  49. Plant a vegetable garden
  50. Get a tan; if you’re in warmer weather!

Some of these are super random and really fun! Or if you just need ideas of what else you can do with your kids instead of having them turn into Youtube zombies!

Stay Safe & Healthy!

Lauren Giglioli



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