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Health & Beauty Lifestyle

DIY Flaxseed Mask

It’s a new week of quarantine which means a new diy mask to try!

Is flaxseed good for your face?

FlaxSeeds Face Masks are very useful for Skin Whitening. Flax Seeds contains antioxidants, Vitamins & Omega 3, 6 & 9 that help the skin. Flaxseeds face masks are also very useful as a Face Mask to remove Sun Tan, Dark Spots & Acne. Flax seeds is an excellent anti wrinkle treatment and it also helps close open pores.

What you’ll need:
  • 1/2 cup ground flaxseed
  • about 1/4 cup water — you may need to add less or more depending on the right consistency for the mask
What to do:
  • add flaxseed to a bowl
  • start to pour in water slowly until you have the right consistency
  • spread on face, avoiding eye area (can use your finger tips to apply)
  • leave on until mask hardens (about 30 minutes)
  • once hard, take a small spatula and remove mask slowly
  • after most of the mask is removed, cleanse with warm water and pat dry

Lastly, drink wine while you wait!!

Let me know if you try!

Stay Healthy & Safe friends!

Lauren Giglioli



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