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Family Travel

Disney Trip 2017

I have never been to Disneyland while they had it all set up for Halloween, so when we decided to go the day before Halloween…well it was a no brainer!

We went to both parks, when we arrived we checked into the hotel and headed to downtown Disney to watch the fireworks and walk around.

The entire park of California Adventure was all decked out in Nightmare Before Christmas and G loved it since she had been watching the movie non stop for a good 3 months!

The entire day was overcast and in the 60s! It felt so great and we couldn’t have asked for better weather!

Haunted Mansion all decked out in NBC!

Little one was actually able to ride Cars this time since she met the height requirement and she LOVED it!!

We’re heading back to Disney the first week of December, we’ve heard it’s the slowest time of the year. By then it will be all ready for Christmas with fake snow and all! Can’t wait!

Lauren Giglioli



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