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1 Macro..2 Macro..3 Macro floor!

Are y’all annoyed yet that I’ll be in a wedding in a few months? Well yeah I have some great motivation to lose weight and I need all the motivation now since I have literally 2 more months to go!

Trying something new, I mean don’t we all with the New Year? New Year….NEW ME! Right>?! Well I was on my IG stories and read something about counting macros. Yes I have heard the term “macros” before from one of my crossfit coaches. Clearly, I wasn’t explained EXACTLY what “counting macros” meant. I did a little research and found out, if you could correctly, counting your macros daily will help you to lose weight, build muscle, or maintain your current weight!

First you have to check and see how many macros you need to be counting a day, which I did here . Once you find out your macro count you’re good to go!

Let me actually back it up a bit and explain what macros are. All info is provided by


Macronutrients, or macros, are the building blocks that make up all the food we eat: carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. Each has distinct roles in the body. To stay healthy and crush your body-composition goals, you need to eat the right amount of each macro.


Carbohydrates are the body’s preferred energy source. They make you move! Not getting enough of these “partiers of the body” can leave you lethargic. Too much will spike your blood sugar and send your hunger through the roof.


Fats also provide energy, and you need this macronutrient to help your immune system function, control your hormones, and power your nervous system (your brain is 60 percent fat).[1] But if you eat more fat than you need, you’ll store it until you can use it.


If there was a popularity contest for macronutrients, protein would win. Everybody knows you need lots of it to recover from workouts and build muscle, and protein suppresses your appetite to boot. But if you get too many of your calories from protein at the expense of other macros, you can become sluggish, since it isn’t a very good energy source.


“Flexible dieting” and “If It Fits Your Macros,” or IIFYM, are two terms that both refer to basing your food intake on macronutrient targets.

With this approach you can eat anything you want, as long as it fits your macronutrient targets. No food group is off limits. You have the flexibility to eat baked chicken with rice one day and fried chicken the next—if it fits your macros, it’s fair game.


With flexible dieting, you count the grams of each macronutrient in the food you eat, rather than a total number of calories. The calculator on this page will provide an optimal macronutrient ratio based on your goals—fat loss, muscle gains, or maintenance.

Don’t worry too much about calories; if you’re staying close to your macro targets, your calories will fall in line. More than just the number of calories, it’s the types of calories that alter your body composition.


The big appeal of counting macros is that, since no food group is off limits, it feels much less restrictive and more sustainable than other diet approaches, which might, for example, ban carbs or demonize processed food.

Forbidding certain foods tends to just make you want them more, and omitting entire food groups can set you up for dangerous deficiencies and lead to cravings. The restrictive aspect is what stresses people out and creates the need for a cheat day, which can turn into a binge and send you back to square one.

With IIFYM, the idea is that you can cheat all the time without derailing your program, as long as you keep your macros in check. If you’re having a stressful week and you want to get all your macros from toaster waffles and protein pudding, nobody’s stopping you.

IIFYM makes sure your body is getting all the macronutrients it needs to function properly, build muscle, and have enough energy. Even though there is flexibility in how you “spend” your macros, you can’t blow all your calories on french fries and miss out on protein the way you could if you were just counting calories.

I mean yes, it does take that extra time out of your day to count macros and to make sure you add everything for the day. With this, granted I’ve only done it for one day so far, but I took pictures of all the nutrient labels of what I was eating today, including my HelloFresh dinner as well. It keeps you accountable and helps with not having you snack all day because once you hit your macros then you’re done. Granted some days you may be higher with the protein or carbs or fat but then it helps you tweak it the next day!

My breakdown is as follows:

Goal – Fat Loss

Activity Level – Lightly active (moderate exercise, but sedentary job)




Today’s numbers:

CARBS: 127 G


FATS: 40 G <<<< clearly need to watch the fat intake for tomorrow!

Have you tried counting Macros? Did you like it? Hate it? I want to know your thoughts!!

Lauren Giglioli



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